For thousands of years, tea has become one of the most popular drinks with people all around the world, especially the older generation. A survey in America showed that tea is the second most famous beverage in the world just only ranked after water. This article below will show you more information about tea and how to make iced tea from loose leaf tea.
I have also enjoyed many kinds of tea from other areas and each of them has its own flavor. Among them, iced tea made a deep impression on me because it is suitable for my taste and it is also easy to make. Especially in the hot weather of summer, you can make an iced tea and enjoy it, it will make you feel much more comfortable and can focus more on your work. Moreover, drinking iced tea helps you cleanse your body, which is very good for your health.
If you are looking for how to make an iced tea from loose leaf tea, our review will help you solve your problem. Let’s check it out!
These are some ways you should go through before making iced tea from loose leaf tea:
- Why use loose leaf tea for iced tea
- Using an iced tea pitcher
- Using traditional tea ware
- Making tea with loose leaf tea
- Some most consumed kind of tea
- Kinds of loose leaf tea
- Frequently asked questions
- Conclusion
Why Use Loose Leaf Tea For Iced Tea?

Nowadays, there are many choices for consumers to make a cup of iced tea. So why do people choose loose leaf tea as the most effective way to make iced iea?
Better Taste
An expert in researching tea said that loose leaf tea brings a better flavor than other kinds of tea. From the outside, you can see that loose leaf tea looks very natural. More particularly, it has just been picked up from a tea tree, then it is washed and dried. All the process is very clear and ensures the pure quality of leaf tea.
Loose leaf tea is also easy to make, it removes dust and other substances after good stuff is used and creates a delicious cup of tea for you.
More Variety
When you choose loose leaf tea to make iced tea, you will be provided with a variety of options. You can even mix some of them to create a new flavor for your cup of tea. It brings new taste and sometimes takes your inspiration to innovate and make iced tea. You can refer to some best loose leaf tea that is consumed by most users on the market.
Reasonable Price
Because loose leaf tea must not be processed through many phases. It is totally natural so it costs much cheaper than other kinds of tea like its bagged counterpart. With the same ingredients of tea and cheaper price, you should choose loose leaf tea to save your time and your budget.
Using an iced tea pitcher

It can be said that using an iced tea pitcher is the best answer for the question of how to make iced tea with loose leaf. Everything you need to do to make a cup of iced tea is putting loose leaf tea into the pitcher and then adding some water that fits into the amount of leaf tea. When you pour tea into the cup, the filter on the top of the pitcher will block the leaf tea and do not mix in your iced tea.
On the market nowadays, you can easily choose yourself an ideal pitcher to make iced tea depending on your taste. By using an iced tea pitcher, you can use one of these two methods: cold and hot.
Cold Brew Method
- One teaspoon loose leaf tea, per 6 to 8 ounces of water
- Optional add-ins: lemon, cucumber or some sweeteners
Firstly, you need to measure the quantity of loose leaf tea that is put into the tea pitcher. As a usual, people often use the ratio of two teaspoons for a cup of tea

The second step of this process is adding water. Depending on the amount of water you add to the pitcher, the flavor and strength of iced tea will be different. Particularly, too much water will make iced tea become diluted. To bring the best quality, you should use between 6 to 8 ounces of water for each two teaspoons of loose leaf tea.

The next phase is putting the tea pitcher in the fridge. It is usually called diffusion or steeping and is the most important step to make cold brewed iced tea. For each kind of loose leaf tea, the amount of time steeping will be different. In particular, white or green tea requires users to diffuse during 6 to 8 hours whereas black or oolong tea has to be steeped for 8 to 12 hours.
In fact, there are many people who let the tea pitcher overnight. They think the longer they steep, the more the level of flavor and taste is. This is totally wrong. You should steep in the amount of time above. If you let it longer and longer, it will create a bad quality for your iced tea.

When the amount of time is up, you need to strain the loose leaf tea from the pitcher to a fine mesh sieve. This step will help you remove all the loose leaf tea and leave iced tea into the tea pitcher. When you enjoy iced tea made from loose leaf tea, you should stir before drinking to have the most delicious flavor.

Finally, you can add some other add-ins into your cup of tea to enjoy other flavors such as a slice of lemon or cucumber and some types of sweetener. After finishing, you can enjoy iced tea by yourself and do whatever you want. It will make you feel better and have more incentive for a long day.

Hot Brew Method
Apart from the cold brew method, you also use the hot brew method. This method helps you save more time and still maintain the flavor of iced tea. However, you must make sure that you have ice in your freezer or refrigerator.
Hot Brew, Then Ice
If you need a cup of iced tea immediately, this will be the best solution for you at that time. With this method, you can make iced tea in just a few minutes. However, you need to prepare two pitchers to make it easier and faster and some cubes of ice.
About the specific instructions, you need to add four teaspoons of loose leaf tea in 4 cups of hot water at the appropriate temperature in 8 minutes. If you want to increase the sweetness of iced tea, you can add more sugar into the pitcher during the steeping process. It is totally up to your taste. Then you pour tea pitcher into the pitcher that is full of ice and stir until it turns to iced tea. You can add some sweeteners and enjoy it.

Hot Brew, Then Refrigerate
This method does not require you to prepare cubes of ice or another tea pitcher so it is one of the best answers for the question of how to make iced tea from loose leaf. It is suitable for those who want to make some iced tea and not be in a hurry. Simple, easy, no fussy are all advantages that this method brings to the customers.
To make an iced tea pitcher of 64 ounces, you need to add directly 4 teaspoons of loose leaf tea in hot water at a temperature of 200°F from 6 to 10 minutes. You can adjust the sweetness of iced tea at this phase by adding some sugar. Then pour 4 cups of cold water or water at room temperature and place it in the fridge for at least four hours. In this step, your tea pitcher will coolen and create the flavor of iced tea. After that, you can enjoy iced tea with a slice of lemon or cucumber.

Using Traditional Tea Ware

When it comes to how to make iced tea with loose leaf, using traditional tea ware is another way you should try. It is easy to make and is used by people from thousands of years ago. The difference is that you should prepare a tea infuser to keep the loose leaf tea from pouring into your cup of tea.
To make iced tea from loose leaf tea, first you need to boil water in your tea kettle. Then you add loose leaf tea to tea ware, and note that the amount of leaf tea doubles when you want to make iced tea. This is simply because after steeping tea you add ice into your tea ware, the ice melt will dilute the iced tea. You should also place the tea infuser into your tea ware first to get the best quality.
You only need to follow the instructions step by step to make a cup of iced tea. When you want to drink iced tea, you just need to pour it into a cup and add some ices from the freezer. Depending on your taste, you can make it more attractive by adding some slices of lemon and then enjoy it.
Making Tea With Loose Leaf Tea
- Some tablespoons of loose leaf tea
- Water
- Optional: sugar
- Add-ins: lemon, cucumber,…
Choose Your Brew
The first step which is a very important and decisive factor for the flavor of iced tea is choosing the brew. It can be said that all kinds of loose leaf tea can make a delicious cup of iced tea, but some kinds of leaf tea such as blacks, oolongs, and green tea will create the strongest and the best flavor for your iced tea.

You should notice that many kinds of loose leaf tea that are made from herbals will not give the best taste when adding ice. Therefore, if you want to make iced tea, you should limit the use of these leaf teas.
Start Out Cold
After deciding what kinds of loose leaf tea you are going to use, you can start to make iced tea. If you want to add ice into tea, you need to use a larger amount of loose leaf tea or else it will decrease the flavor of your iced tea. This way is much faster but you have to spend more loose leaf tea than other ways.
Now I will show you some useful tips if you still do not know how to make iced tea from loose leaf tea. Add two teaspoons of loose leaf tea into the teapot, you can add more depending on the space of your teapot. Then, add some cold water and let it in the refrigerator from 4 to 6 hours or longer. The best advice is to place it overnight and you can enjoy iced tea the next morning.
Make It Colder
This is a popular method in the tea house when they make iced tea. It is the same as “shaken iced tea” in Starbucks. At the beginning, I believed that they would brew a cup of tea and add some ices into the cup and shake it. But the fact is not true.
More particularly, mix some cubes of ice and the cold iced tea into a cocktail shaker, cover it tightly and shake it until the cocktail shaker is so cold that you cannot hold it by hand. That is the time you have finished it. Now, pour it into a smaller cup and drink it.

Upgrade Your Flavor
When you have finished the brewing process, you can add something to upgrade the flavor of iced tea or simply make it look more attractive. This is also a necessary phase if you are working for a tea house. It requires you to make your products eye-catching so that buyers want to spend their money to buy your tea.
Making iced tea is quite difficult to increase the sweetness of it. You should not add too much sugar as it leaves on the bottom of the tea cup. In this situation, I think you should replace it with a bottle of siro. It will make iced tea more sweeter and increase the flavor of your iced tea.
If you want to make your own flavor, you can make siro by yourself. It is quite simple, you need to boil a cup of water and sugar, then add two tablespoons of flavor you want to use. Let the mixture cool down and place it into the fridge for one week.

Fresh Or Frozen Fruit
Adding fresh fruit can also increase the flavor of your iced tea. In the hot weather of summer, strawberries or some slices of oranges and lemon will be the perfect selection. If you have frozen fruit, you can use it instead of ice and it will bring a better taste for you.

You must be surprised when you read this information. But you should try it, brew tea with alcohol. Some strong kind of wine like vodka and gin can make iced tea more delicious and you can also add tea into wine. Steep it overnight and keep the iced tea from alcohol and use it as cocktails.

Some Most Consumed Kind Of Tea
About how to make iced tea loose leaf, people have applied all the recipes to make different kinds of iced tea. Now I will make a review about some kinds of iced tea that people drink so much.
Vodka MarTIni

This drink is another type of iced tea, more specifically, it is the combination of loose leaf tea and alcohol. It is also one of the most wonderful beverages of the bar that you should try to drink one time.
Vodka Martini is very easy to make, just with only three main ingredients: 3 ounces tea-steeped vodka, 1/2 ounces of dry vermouth and one teaspoon vanilla. You can add ice if you want a cold drink. I suggest that you should use black tea, vanilla, I think, will be the best choice and bring the ideal flavor for users.
If you want to make a shaken martini, pour these ingredients into the cocktail shaker with ice. Then add vodka and vermouth and shake well for at least 30 seconds. After chilling well, pour it into the cocktail glass and enjoy. You can garnish it with lemon or cucumber to look more delicious.
For a stirred martini, stir the mixture of vodka and vermouth for about 20 seconds.
You can watch this video to know more about how to make vodka martini:
Not-So-Classic Arnold Palmer

Arnold Palmer is the refreshing drink for you in the hot summer. It is made from two popular drinks, which is iced tea and lemonade. Arnold Palmer is most common in the golf clubs because it is named after the golfer, who is very famous in the world.
To make this kind of drink, you need to prepare some of these ingredients first: 8 ounces of brewed tea, 8 ounces of hard lemonade, ice and something to garnish the glass. Then fill the shaker with loose leaf tea, lemonade and ice. Shake it until chilled well and more ice above to make it look more attractive.
Mexican Tea Mojito

This is my favorite drink among iced tea and cocktails that I have tried before. It is the combination of many natural ingredients such as mint, lime and sugar and brings the refreshing flavor for you.
As I have said, Mexican tea mojito requires more ingredients than others: lime syrup, mint leaves, tequila, black tea, ice and something to garnish. First, you need to make syrup, mix the water and sugar, and boil this mixture at the high temperature until it dissolves. Take it out of the cooker and let it cool down before using. Then place it in the refrigerator for about one week to use.
In the metal shaker, add mint leaves and syrup, add more ice, tequila, tea. You cover this mixture carefully and shake it well. This is the completion of the making process.
Orange Tea Sangria

This drink is the combination of two popular things: iced tea and wine. The making process is quite simple and you can easily make it at your own kitchen. All you need to do is straining the iced tea and wine into the larger pitcher, then add fruit in the pitcher. With this drink, you can enjoy its flavor, especially overnight. Let it for a long time, the mixture will infuse and bring the better quality.
To make this drink, you have to prepare ingredients including one bottle of dry white wine, one teaspoon of orange iced tea, large orange slices that have thin edges or rounds and ice. Follow the instructions step by step and you will have a glass of iced tea. However, you should notice that stir some herbs like mint a few hours before using or else it will wilt if you let it for a long time.
Kinds Of Loose Leaf Tea
All kinds of loose leaf tea comes from the same plant. However, each of them has grown in different environments and created the different kinds of tea as we see on the market nowadays. You can also look through some popular kind to know more about how to make iced tea from loose leaf.
White Tea

Among other kinds of tea, white tea is known as the most delicious tea as it is not processed much. It is picked up before the tea leaves open absolutely, exactly when the blooms are still covered by a white clothing so it is called “white tea”.
This is the purest, freshest and lightest tea as the tea leaves are dried only and its low oxidation. For this kind of tea, I highly recommend White peony tea for you. With the attractive outside design, decorated by some marigold blossoms create the impressive flavor. It is combined with a peachy flavor and makes you feel relaxed and happy.
With white tea, you can use it for a cup of iced tea or you can mix it with lemonade to enjoy.
Green Tea

After harvesting, green tea will overcome the processing. Particularly, it is heated at a high temperature and dried before giving it to the buyers. People often buy green tea due to some outstanding features in health and beauty and also use it as a kind of drink in the summer.
Green tea contains many antioxidants that help to boost your health and slow down the aging process. Understanding deeply, for health benefits, it improves the brain functions, loses weight, lowers the risk of heart diseases and cancer, reduces bad breath and helps you stay longer.
Apart from making iced tea to drink, you can use green tea as the ideal spice for seafood, chickens, salads or some other dishes.
Oolong Tea

Oolong tea only takes two percent in the world’s tea. It is a combination of black and green tea so it creates a new flavor. It also brings many health benefits and reduces stress, making you be happy all the day.
This tea comes from China and is the traditional tea in China. It is very popular with users and multifunctional. It maintains the flavour of tea and creates the best dishes.
Black Tea

Black tea is the most popular tea with various categories. The tea leaves are oxidized before going through processing and drying. This kind of tea brings many benefits for your health as it contains antioxidants and polyphenol.
Black tea can be enjoyed both in hot and cold tea. It is also mixed with some kinds of flowers to create their own flavor such as jasmine or rose, lemon or orange.
Pu Erh Tea
Pu erh tea is a special tea that is fermented in a province of China. Most people choose pu erh tea because it provides users with the best experience and helps to boost their health. It promotes the weight loss process, prevents cancer and prolongs their life.
However, you should read the ingredients and the instructions carefully before using it because it will cause side effects during the usage.
Herbal ‘Tea’ Infusions

Herbal tea is the combination of many herbs like chamomile, hibiscus, lemongrass and mint. It is totally natural and caffeine free. Moreover, thanks to nutrient components and many antioxidants, it can help you reduce stress and relax, and improve the immune and digestive system.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the best method to brew the tea?
According to many experts and the reviews of users, I think that the best way to brew the tea is adding loose leaf tea into the water, brew the mixture for a period of time and then strain the tea and pour it into the cup or glass to enjoy.
How many times can you reuse loose leaf tea?
We can say that loose leaf tea can be reused. After the first use, the loose leaf tea can be reused for about three to four times. However, time for reusing also increases depending on the number of times that you have reused it. For each kind of leaf tea (size, quality, shape, oxidation levels), you will have a different time to reuse.
Through the reusing process, the flavor of loose leaf tea can be influenced. The tea brings a weaker taste and aroma. Therefore, the best advice for you is that you should reuse loose leaf tea only after the first brewing or else your iced tea will not taste good.
What I can do with leftover tea?

Maybe you do not know, loose leaf tea has many benefits. It is used for cooking, cleaning, decor and beauty. Particularly, green tea leaves are the best choice for cooking and beauty whereas black tea leaves are mostly used for cleaning and dyeing. But you need to brew these tea leaves first to get the best results.
How long can loose leaf tea be guaranteed?
With the proper storage, loose leaf tea can bring the best quality for about 18 to 24 months. To make the best warranty process, you should store it into the airtight containers so that tea leaves can have better flavor and aroma.
Is there caffeine in iced tea?
I would say that it depends on the kinds of loose leaf tea that you used to make tea. You do not need to worry because the level of caffeine in tea is very low and does not cause any harms for your health. Additionally, caffeine needs a high temperature to extract so iced tea will not contain too much caffeine.
Conclusion: Do You Know how to make iced tea loose leaf?
Iced tea is the most popular drink for people at any age in the hot summer and it is also very easy to make. The best way to make iced tea is loose leaf tea. With only some simple steps, you can make iced tea from loose leaf tea quickly and bring the best quality in flavor, aroma and taste.
If you are still wondering about how to make iced tea from loose leaf tea, watch this video to understand more about one kind of iced tea:
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